American League — Infobox sports league current season = 2008 American League Championship Series pixels = 150px sport = Baseball founded = 1901 teams = 14 champion = Boston Red Sox country = CAN USAThe American League of Professional Baseball Clubs, or simply the … Wikipedia
American League — Logo der American League Die American League ist neben der National League eine von zwei Ligen in der US amerikanischen Profibaseballliga Major League Baseball. Sie ging 1899 aus der Western League hervor und wird seit 1901 als eine Major League… … Deutsch Wikipedia
American League — one of the two major professional U.S. baseball leagues, established in 1900. Abbr.: A.L. * * * noun the American League : one of the two major leagues in professional U.S. baseball ◇ In the American League, the designated hitter bats in place of … Useful english dictionary
American League — one of the two major professional U.S. baseball leagues, established in 1900. Abbr.: A.L. * * * With the National League, one of two associations in the U.S. and Canada of professional, major league baseball teams. The league was founded in 1900 … Universalium
American League — Amerikos lyga statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Antroji JAV beisbolo profesionalų lyga. Įkurta 1892 m., tačiau veiklą pradėjo tik po 9 metų. atitikmenys: angl. American League vok. Amerika Liga, f rus. Лига Америки … Sporto terminų žodynas
American League Park — was a baseball park that formerly stood in Washington, DC, at the corner of Florida Avenue and Trinidad Avenue, NE. It hosted the Washington Senators from April 29, 1901 to September 27, 1902, when the team moved to National Park. That site had… … Wikipedia
American League Championship Series — In Major League Baseball, the American League Championship Series (ALCS), played in October, is a playoff round that determines the winner of the American League pennant. The winner of the series advances to play the winner of the National League … Wikipedia
American League Championship Series — Die American League Championship Series (ALCS) ist Teil der Play offs in der Major League Baseball. In ihr spielen die beiden Sieger der American League Division Series um die Meisterschaft der American League und den Einzug in die World Series.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
American League Division Series — In Major League Baseball, the American League Division Series (ALDS) determines which two teams from the American League will advance to the American League Championship Series. The Division Series consist of two best of five series, featuring… … Wikipedia
American League pennant winners 1901–68 — The American League (AL) is one of the two leagues of Major League Baseball. The team with the highest winning percentage in the league won the pennant and faced the National League pennant winner in the World Series (in 1903 and 1905 1968).In… … Wikipedia